November 15th, 2024
Gale Partners with Scholarly iQ to Enhance COUNTER Reporting Capabilities
Scholarly iQ is excited to announce a new partnership with Gale, an innovative provider of research and educational resources. This collaboration will enhance the accessibility and effectiveness of COUNTER reporting for Gale’s library and institutional customers worldwide through an upgrade to the COUNTER 5.1 standard, with 5.1 usage reports back to January 2023.
October 28th, 2024
Exciting First Results with ORCA OA Usage Reporting for Extrica
Extrica, a leading provider of innovative Open Access scientific research publishing solutions for academic and research institutions, is thrilled to announce its partnership with Scholarly iQ to integrate ORCA capabilities into its platform. This collaboration will empower Extrica and stakeholders in the academic community with transparent COUNTER processed usage metrics for trusted reporting and insights.
The ORCA reporting tool from Scholarly iQ provided Extrica with a simple, self-service implementation for tracking user engagement and interests, enabling more informed decision-making and strategic planning...
October 10th, 2023
SiQ Supports New NISO Working Group: Operationalising Open Access Business Processes
Against the backdrop of transition from journal subscriptions to open access (OA), the National Information Standards Organisation (NISO) has convened a working group to make recommendations on best practices for OA business processes.
SiQ COO Stuart Maxwell is delighted to be part of this working group. SiQ’s participation continues our ongoing commitment and support for working groups with entities such as NISO and COUNTER to further open standards and best practices for the knowledge community.
August 24th, 2023
Seven Cs of AI – Best Practices for Wrangling Artificial Intelligence Applications
A year ago we posted a thought piece around best practices in data management and reporting to increase trust and value from our data, summarised as the Seven Cs of Compliance, Confidence, Consolidation, Consistency, Clarity, Context and Causation.
A year is a long time in data. Since last August we have seen the ‘rise of AI’. So, we have revisited the Seven Cs and considered how these same best practices can help shape and steer our understanding and use of AI tools.
August 4th, 2023
Establishing a Close, Collaborative Partnership Between Publisher and Vendor
In 2014, Unlimited Priorities, specialist consultants for scholarly publisher Accessible Archives (AA), were seeking a provider of COUNTER usage and analytics. Following a recommendation by a Director at NFAIS (now NISO), they contacted Scholarly iQ (SiQ).
Together, AA and SiQ built a working relationship that serves as a valued example of creating a trust centred partnership between a publisher and a selected specialty vendor.
July 11th, 2023
Free Librarian Training Session
27 July at 4pm BST
SiQ are delighted to support a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ.
These sessions will take you through reporting functionality and provide some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
Contact us to register…
July 11th, 2023
SiQ Presenting ORCA at ALPSP Conference
We are excited to be presenting at this year’s ALPSP conference in Manchester, UK (more details below). Stuart Maxwell will be updating on ORCA in the Industry Updates session, alongside representatives of key industry contributors including COUNTER, the Royal Society, OUP and IOPP. Be sure not to miss!
July 11th, 2023
3-Month Free Trial of ORCA OA Usage Reporting
ORCA provides approved COUNTER processed usage metrics in real time for OA content at the item level, delivering consistent, credible and comparable OA usage reporting for publishers, authors, funders and institutions.
All this is backed up by SiQ’s 20-year experience in providing COUNTER usage reporting and analytics and we are delighted to offer a 3-month free trial of ORCA OA reporting.
Contact SiQ to find out more and see what your OA usage data can do for you.
June 8th, 2023
SiQ Launch ORCA
ORCA provides approved COUNTER processed usage metrics for OA content at the item level, delivering consistent, credible and comparable OA usage reporting for publishers, authors, funders and institutions.
Where trust, transparency and accountability is essential for the move to and success of OA publishing, usage data is to become one of the key benchmarks and the availability of COUNTER processed metrics from ORCA will help deliver the consistency and credibility needed to manage OA deals with confidence.
ORCA offers quick, easy implementation, trusted real time metrics, and OA usage impact data and analytics backed up by SiQ’s 20-year experience.
Contact SiQ today to find out more about ORCA, how simple it is to set up and for your demo.
May 3rd, 2023
Free Librarian Training Session
25 May 2023 at 4pm BST
SiQ are delighted to support a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ.
These sessions will take you through reporting functionality and provide some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
Contact us to register…
May 3rd, 2023
COUNTER 5.1: More Than Just Subscription Metrics
Research Information invited SiQ’s Stuart Maxwell, along with other COUNTER volunteers, to contribute their perspective on the latest COUNTER update. They offered their thoughts on why COUNTER is needed, its value as perceived by librarians and publishers, optimising for OA and the 5.1 release timelines. Stuart makes a call for 'making sure that industry led standards are available to support [Open Access reporting]. It would be a great mistake for OA usage to not be Consistent, Credible and Comparable in the same way'.
May 3rd, 2023
SSP Draw Winner
Congratulations to Athena Hoeppner, University Librarian at University of Central Florida, our winner in the draw for the free registration to this year’s SSP meeting!
SiQ are delighted Athena will be attending this year’s conference and we wish Athena a fantastic few days.
April 4th, 2023
Free Librarian Training Session
27 April 2023 at 4pm GMT
SiQ are delighted to support a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ.
These sessions will take you through reporting functionality and provide some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
Contact us to register…
April 4th, 2023
COUNTER Annual General Meeting
Thursday 11 May 2023
Invitations have been sent for the COUNTER AGM. All COUNTER members are invited to attend to receive the Directors' Report and financials from 2022, as well as to learn more about the recently released COUNTER Code of Practice 5.1.
Please also contact us if you would like us to represent any of your comments about COUNTER at this year's AGM.
April 4th, 2023
Free Delegate Space for SSP 2023
There’s just over a week to enter our draw for a full delegate pass to SSP 2023
SiQ will be a platinum sponsor at this year’s SSP conference and 2023 sees SiQ celebrate 20 years of delivering trusted data and usage services to publishers and librarians. To celebrate we’re giving away a free delegate place to this year’s meeting.
If you would like to enter our draw, or know someone who would, please email to enter. Closing date 14th April 2023.
Enter draw...
March 7th, 2023
Free Librarian Training Session
Thursday 23rd March 2023 at 4pm GMT
SiQ are delighted to support a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ.
These sessions will take you through reporting functionality and provide some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
Contact us to register…
February 14th, 2023
Free Librarian Training
23 February 2023 at 4pm GMT
SiQ are delighted to provide a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ.
These sessions will take you through reporting functionality and provide some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
Contact us to register…
February 7th, 2023
SiQ Platinum Sponsor of SSP 2023
As part of our celebration of 20 years delivering trusted COUNTER data and usage services to publishers and librarians SiQ are delighted to be a Platinum Sponsor of SSP 2023.
The conference is titled Transformation, Trust and Transparency - three key attributes central to SiQ's own approach to delivering success for our customers.
SiQ are also giving away a free delegate place to this year's SSP meeting!
If you would like to enter our draw or know someone who would please email to enter. Closing date 14th April 2023.
Enter now...
January 19th, 2023
Free Librarian Training Session
2 February 2023 at 4pm GMT
SiQ are delighted to support a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ.
These sessions will take you through reporting functionality and provide some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
Contact us to register…
January 19th, 2023
The UKSG 46th Annual Conference and Exhibition
Glasgow, UK, 13 - 15 April 2023
SiQ will be at the UKSG conference, 13–15 April 2023 in Glasgow so we look forward to seeing you there. If you would like to schedule a time and place to meet at UKSG, and to join us to celebrate our 20th year delivering trusted data services please contact us.
January 19th, 2023
SSP 45th Annual Meeting
Portland, Oregon, 31 May – 2 June 2023
Scholarly iQ will be attending the SSP Annual Meeting at the end of May and look forward to another chance to meet you in person. With a focus on Trust and Transparency issues we anticipate a highly informative program and discussions.
If you would like to schedule a time and place to meet, and to join us to celebrate our 20th year delivering trusted data services please contact us.
January 19th, 2023
Irish Newspaper Archives - COUNTER 5 Upgrade
Irish Newspaper Archives and Scholarly iQ are pleased to announce that from January 2023 usage data reports will use the latest COUNTER Release 5 (R5) standards and interface including support to the R5 SUSHI standards. A new portal interface is designed with the user in mind and of course maintains compliance to the highest standards.
Irish Newspaper Archives and Scholarly iQ are delighted to be supporting the latest COUNTER Code of Practice, designed to better meet changing reporting needs whilst making reporting simpler, so that all content providers can achieve compliance and librarians can have usage statistics that are credible, consistent and comparable.
January 12th, 2023
SiQ Celebrates 20 Years of COUNTER Reporting Services!
2023 will see SiQ celebrate 20 years of delivering trusted data and usage services to publishers and librarians. We have an exciting development program including a new streaming ETL, analytics enhancements and novel data integrations as well as updated data best practices.
We also look forward to continuing to provide leading COUNTER services across all reports and seeing many of you at various industry events this year.
Contact us to hear more about our plans for 2023 and to see how we have already helped support success for customers like you with their evolving data requirements.
November 1st, 2022
Free Librarian Training session - Thursday 24th November at 4PM GMT
SiQ are delighted to announce a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ. These sessions will take you through reporting functionality as well as some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
August 30th, 2022
KGL PubFactory Virtual Series, 4-6 October 2022
KGL PubFactory will be hosting their next annual virtual forum for customers and friends on 4-6 October and SiQ are delighted to be taking part as KGL’s usage analytics partner. We will be presenting latest reporting developments and share recent updates on standards and best practices for data driven insights and business change.
Full program and speakers will be posted here as they are confirmed. If you’re a publisher on or considering the PubFactory platform, be sure to add to your calendar to save the date or get in touch.
August 29th, 2022
Meet at the ALSP conference, Manchester, UK, 14–16 September 2022.
Join us at the upcoming ALPSP conference, 14-16 September, Hotel Mercure, Manchester, UK. Scholarly iQ COO Stuart Maxwell will be attending and looks forward to seeing you there. Please contact to schedule a meeting at the event.
August 19th, 2022
Faculti chooses SiQ’s leading reporting and analytics services
SiQ are delighted to announce our latest partnership to provide COUNTER usage reporting and analytics for
The reporting partnership will meet Faculti’s requirements for COUNTER reporting for subscribers and advanced reporting, analytics and best practices for internal publisher reporting by content source and category.
July 30th, 2022
Recap of a Poster Session from the SSP 2022 Annual Meeting
Recently at the Society for Scholarly Publishing Annual Meeting, KGL PubFactory’s Director of Platform Services, Tom Beyer,together with longtime platform partner, Stuart Maxwell, COO of Scholarly IQ, presented a poster on the advanced analytics available to publishers that many are still not using for their editorial, sales, and Plan S strategies. For those that struggling with analysis paralysis trying to identify Open Access usage or meet reporting requirements for transformative journals, we recap the highlights of the findings and discussion here.
July 29th, 2022
Global Social Challenges Journal: first non-profit, open access journal from Bristol University Press
Global Social Challenges Journal is a new, interdisciplinary, non-profit, open access journal from Bristol University Press. It will be the first open access journal to be based in the social sciences, whilst engaging with research from all fields of study. The first content will be published in 2022. The journal launch included a panel discussion webinar.
July 28th, 2022
Journal Citation Reports 2022 published: another exceptional year
Covid-19 continues to have significant impact on scholarly publishing and journal impact factors have shown sustained increases. The Journal Citation Reports 2022, based on 2021 data from the Web of Science Core Collection and published by Clarivate, are summarised in Research Information. A further article by Web of Science’s Nandita Quaderi provides more detailed analysis on another extraordinary year.
Beyond increased citation impact, the article also describes the identification of a new type of anomalous citation reporting: self-stacking. This phenomenon is defined as when a ‘journal contains one or more documents with citations that are highly concentrated to the JIF numerator of the title itself.’
July 27th, 2022
COUNTER Code of Practice Release 5.1 open for community consultation
The COUNTER Technical Advisory Group have developed a significant update to the Code of Practice. Among other changes, Release 5.1 has been designed to better facilitate Open Access. They have opened a community consultation for proposed updates.
The key changes introduced are a focus on Item as the primary unit of reporting, access types and SUSHI/JSON changes. The consultation will be open until Monday 5th September 2022.
SiQ will be directly contacting all customers about the impact of these potential changes.
If you would also like to discuss these changes with us, particularly if yourcurrent provider is not compliant with Item level reporting, please contact SiQ for more details.
July 27th, 2022
Tracking open access usage
Unravel the complexities of tracking open access usage. SiQ’s Stuart Maxwell will be contributing to a panel discussion by ChronosHubon 22 September. There will be participation from publisher and librarian perspectives and Stuart will be giving insights to COUNTER’s perspective on changing standards. Other contributors include Andrew Pitts from the IPregistry and Andy Utterback from PLOS.
In this webinar, we'll look at what metrics can be collected, and whether we should look at the data globally, or an institutional level, possibly to evaluate affiliated institutions' APC payments or open access agreements.
We will discuss the topic both from a publisher and a library perspective, with panellists sharing their experience and opinion on the feasibility of conducting a usage-based analysis of open access articles to determine their value to institutions and libraries.
July 27th, 2022
Granular usage reports and implications for libraries
At the end of May, Choice hosted a live webinar and panel discussion on granular usage reporting, sponsored by Elsevier.
The webinar discussed how federated-authentication may add further granularity and meaningful insights to COUNTER usage reporting within an institution.
May 23rd, 2022
Free Librarian Training session - Thursday 28th July at 4PM GMT
SiQ are delighted to announce a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ. These sessions will take you through reporting functionality as well as some quick wins to help you better use your COUNTER reports sooner.
May 18th, 2022
Smarter Business Intelligence for the Open Access Era
The Advanced Analytics You’re Probably Not Using for Your Editorial, Sales, and Plan S Strategies
How can you use your data for more? The standard for analytics has been to provide COUNTER reports and a SUSHI API to those reports. But there is so much more information that can be drawn out.
May 18th, 2022
Enter the prize draw at SSQ 2022
Visit us at Booth #517 to learn more about the value of your item level usage data and leave your card to enter our draw for a Bose SoundLink Flex Waterproof Bluetooth Speaker.
May 11th, 2022
SiQ one of the few providers certified for all COUNTER reports
SiQ are delighted to announce that we have recently passed our latest audit for COUNTER compliance and are one of the few providers certified for all COUNTER reports.

April 26th, 2022
The Seven Cs
Attending the London Book Fair recently and having my first face to face meetings in over 2 years a good number of the conversations revolved around best practices in data management and reporting to increase trust in and value from data.
Seeing this as an extension from the well known 5Vs of big data (Volume, Value, Variety, Velocity and Veracity) I managed to distil some of the key topics around this into ‘Seven Cs’ (to try and make it more memorable) with the aim to summarise some of the thought processes that aid reporting, analytics and the actions we take.
March 28th, 2022
Free Librarian Training session - Thursday 19th May at 4PM GMT
SiQ are delighted to announce a series of free training sessions for librarians using COUNTER 5 reporting powered by SiQ.
March 28th, 2022
Item Level Reports, the future of usage reporting and analytics?
Item Master Reports have been a COUNTER ( approved industry standard report since the release of COUNTER 5. Whilst not mandatory for all publishers, over two thirds of SiQ customers provide these reports at the Item Level. How might these drive better insights and analytics?
Full Article
March 24th, 2022
Meet at London Book Fair and at UKSG
Scholarly iQ COO Stuart Maxwell will be attending the The London Book Fair and The UKSG Annual Conference and welcomes the opportunity to meet face to face now these leading UK events are back.
Stuart will be at London Olympia for LBF on Tuesday April 5th and at the Telford International Center for UKSG on Monday 30th May. Please contact today to schedule a meeting at either event – I look forward to seeing you there.
March 21st, 2022
SiQ Supports API for data provision
Scholarly iQ (Helotes, TX) are delighted to announce support for granular data feed updates through a customized REST API. Publishers are now able to send metadata updates for COUNTER usage reporting and analytics immediately as changes occur in their systems.
Full Article
March 18th, 2022
Meet us in Chicago in June, SiQ to exhibit at SSP 2022
Scholarly iQ are delighted to be continuing our support for the SSP Annual Meetings and this year will be present with an exhibition stand which has been confirmed as Booth #517.
Contact today to schedule a meeting at SSP 2022 – we look forward to seeing you there June 1st – June 3rd 2022.
March 16th, 2022
COUNTER Media Library - The Value of COUNTER Data
Project COUNTER have launched a new Media Library as a single place for all foundation classes, webinar recordings, guides and manuals. This includes ‘The Value of COUNTER Data to content and platform providers’, a recent case study written and produced by Pete Dalton.
Full Article
March 10th, 2022
COUNTER Registry launched
COUNTER have launched a new Registry as a valuable, single point of information to COUNTER compliant publishers, platforms, and hosts. SiQ has completed details for SUSHI and available reports, but please check your entry for further details such as contact information.
Full Article
June 16th, 2020
Sheridan and Scholarly iQ to launch PubFactory Reporting and Business Intelligence Platform
Sheridan PubFactory is excited to announce a new partnership with industry-leading analytics and reporting specialist Scholarly iQ (SiQ). This addition to its expanding network of partner associations enables the launch of a dedicated Reporting and Business Intelligence Platform for PubFactory, offering the opportunity for PubFactory publishers to gain important insights into how and where their content is used.
Full Article
June 3rd, 2020
Anatomical Atlas Publisher IMAIOS gets Improved Picture of Usage with COUNTER R5 Reporting and PSI Metrics for Identifying Denials
Scholarly iQ today announced that IMAIOS’s January – March 2020 usage statistics for its human anatomy interactive atlas, e-Anatomy and its veterinary anatomy atlas, vet-Anatomy are now available using the latest COUNTER Release 5 (R5) standards at These standards are the latest version of the agreed international set of standards and protocols governing the recording and exchange of such online usage data, which are used to ensure trusted, transparent and independent reporting of publishers’ usage statistics to libraries. Scholarly iQ are to provide reporting and data management services for IMAIOS.
Full Article
April 23rd, 2019
Come and meet us at SSP 2019
The Scholarly iQ are delighted to be continuing their support for the SSP Annual Meetings and this year will be present with an exhibition stand so come by and see us at Booth #313A!
This year’s event will be held May 29-31 at Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, San Diego, CA USA.
Recent highlights SiQ will be showcasing include the latest COUNTER R5 reporting service and Open Access usage reporting.
Contact us today to schedule a meeting at SSP 2019 – we look forward to seeing you there.
March 5th, 2019
Update on SiQ Support for Industry Initiatives
Academic and scholarly publishing industry initiatives are managed and led by a range of working groups and societies, and Scholarly iQ (SiQ) is proud to be active in supporting and working in these groups. Following is a brief overview of these groups, some of the work they do and updates on latest developments.
Full Article
February 26th, 2019
SiQ and PSI Partner for OA Usage Reporting
SiQ and PSI Integrate COUNTER Analytics with IP Registry for OA Usage Analytics
San Antonio, TX: SiQ and PSI are delighted to release a new integration of IP Registry data to COUNTER and publisher usage reporting and analytics, significantly resolving the issue in attributing institutional usage to unknown or expired sets of IP ranges.
Usage metrics are some of the most trusted and common measurements used to demonstrate the value relationship between authors, publishers, funders, librarians and researchers, however the provision of such measurements relies on the availability of associated data to match the usage to institutions. This is particularly challenging for Open Access publishers, repositories and for ‘Unknown’ usage where the publisher does not have database entries to match usage identifiers to identifiable institutions.
Full Article
May 23rd, 2018
Scholarly iQ partners with UNSILO to create unified analytics solution
Danish machine-learning company UNSILO and leading analytics provider Scholarly iQ (SiQ) have announced a partnership to provide a unified analytics solution for publishers and institutions. The tool will enable organisations involved in academic publishing, such as institutions, publishers, and societies, to be able to track usage of any document, and to link the usage to the key concepts contained within that document.
Full Article
March 26th, 2018
Scholarly iQ sponsoring SSP 40th Annual Meeting
Scholarly iQ are delighted to continue support for the SSP Annual Meetings as a Silver Sponsor for a fellowship grant for the 2018 conference to be held May 30 – June 1, 2018 at the Sheraton Grand, Chicago, Illinois.
Full Article
September 20th, 2017
COUNTER Release 5 Code of Practice
COUNTER ( have now published the upcoming Release 5 Code of Practice.
Contributions to the development of this latest release have come from COUNTER’s library, vendor and content provider members including Scholarly iQ. Release 5 is designed to be internally consistent, unambiguous, and flexible, so that it will be easier for publishers to be compliant and so that the Code of Practice can be adapted and extended as digital publishing continues to change.
To support the implementation of R5, COUNTER have also produced two guides: The Friendly Guide for Providers and Technical Notes. Library guides will follow early next year.
Scholarly iQ are already working on making the change to Release 5 as smooth as possible including establishing new data schemas and new reporting interfaces. COUNTER has set 1 January 2019 as the deadline for transition.
We recommend these highly useful materials for publishers and librarians to get to know Release 5, and welcome any questions or enquiries about these upcoming changes to
September 7th, 2017
SiQ Return to Frankfurt in October
Scholarly iQ will be back in Frankfurt this October, attending both the STM Conference 10th October and the Frankfurt Book Fair 11-12th October. If you are also attending either even it would be great to meet up.
Some of our latest work includes:
- Multi-Platform Data Consolidation, Processing and Reporting
- Independent, Hosted and Fully Governed, Platform Agnostic Data Architectures
- COUNTER Release 4 and Release 5
- Open Access COUNTER Usage Reporting with Institution Identification
- Big Data (Hadoop) Hosting Datawarehouse
- 3rd Party Data Reporting and Visualisation Reporting Tools
- On-Premise Publisher COUNTER Reporting Datawarehouse
- Multi-Media Reporting
- Evidence Based Acquisition
- Predictive Modelling Reporting for Content and Account Usage
- NISO SUSHI-Lite Services
- NISO Altmetrics Working Group
- Crossref Distributed Usage Logging
- Project COUNTER Robots Working Group
- Publisher Reporting Best Practices, Consulting and Training
Please get in touch to find a good time to get together, whether it’s a brief catch up or a full, formal meeting.
Contact us now at 210-507-5770 or - we look forward to seeing you there!
August 16th, 2017
SiQ to Support Accessible Archives Webinar - What is COUNTER? (including an update on Release 5) – 11am EST, October 3, 2017
Accessible Archives ( is hosting a webinar for librarian customers to introduce COUNTER ( and provide an update on the upcoming COUNTER Release 5 standard.
Scholarly iQ who provide Accessible Archives subscribers with access to their COUNTER reports through an intuitive web portal as well as a SUSHI web service for harvesting reports from multiple discovery services are delighted to support this webinar with Stuart Maxwell, VP Business Development, Scholarly iQ presenting alongside Bob Lester, Product Development & Strategy Consultant, Unlimited Priorities, LLC and Lorraine Estelle, COUNTER Project Director.
March 22nd, 2017
Scholarly iQ to sponsor and attend SSP 39th Annual Meeting
Scholarly iQ are delighted to continue it’s support for the SSP Annual Meetings as a Silver Sponsor for a fellowship grant for the 2017 conference to be held May 31 – June 2, 2017 at the Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, MA.
Full Article
April 28th, 2016
Latest on Account and Topic Based Usage Trending, and Altmetrics Standards – join SiQ at the 39th SSP Annual Meeting
As we enter our 14th year of providing usage reporting and analytics to academic and scientific publishers Scholarly iQ are delighted to confirm our continued support and sponsorship for the Society for Scholarly Publishing’s annual conference for the 4th year running.
In addition to being a Fellowship Sponsor, Scholarly iQ will be presenting at the event held at Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, BC, June 1-3, 2016.
On June 2nd Mark Cassar will be showcasing Scholarly iQ’s latest developments in working with usage data to model Account and Topic Health Monitors providing reporting of rate of change of article usage by accounts and topics. Mark has been modelling these reports to provide advanced insight on increasing or decreasing usage trends by account and article topics to uncover opportunities and flag up usage risks to publishers.
On June 3rd Stuart Maxwell will be taking part in the Standards and Recommended Practices to Support Adoption of Altmetrics discussion with Todd Carpenter, NISO, Greg Tananbaum, ScholarNext Consulting and Tracey DePellegrin, Genetics Society of America. The session will discuss the latest developments from the National Information Standard Organization (NISO) Altmetrics Initiative which is now in its final stages, with several community-crafted documents ready for publication. Stuart has been an active working group participants and liaison with the NISO Business Information Topic Committee, and will detail perspectives and considerations that have provided input for the published documents, which are NISO Recommended Practices intended for consumption and use across the industry by any user or entity wishing to further explore and exploit the area of alternative metrics.
SiQ’s attendance at SSP in Vancouver, BC, June 1-3, 2016. continues our goal of open communication with academic publishers and librarians in order to innovate and provide effective and valuable services to the community.
Contact us now at 210-507-5770 and arrange to meet us at the event - we look forward to seeing you there!
April 28th, 2016
Scholarly iQ continue industry support - SSP announces twelve fellowships for 2016
The Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) has announced that 12 students and early-career professionals have been awarded highly competitive fellowships for 2016. As a SSP Fellowship Sponsor, Scholarly iQ are pleased to provide support for the program, an extension of the former Travel Grant Program, which offers a wide range of career development and nurturing opportunities for students and early-career professionals in the scholarly communication industry. SSP’s Professional Development Committee received nearly 100 applications for these coveted positions for which benefits include year-round training opportunities, one-year complimentary SSP membership, free registrations to selected SSP events, an assigned industry expert as mentor, and participation in community forums and SSP committees.
Full Article
April 18th, 2016
SiQ Supporting and Presenting in UKSG webinar: COUNTER for publishers
Scholarly iQ are delighted to be participating in a free UKSG Webinar - ‘COUNTER for publishers’ is taking place on Tuesday 3 May 2016 at 1400 BST.
The speakers are Stuart Maxwell, Vice President of Business Development, Scholarly iQ and Lorraine Estelle, Director, COUNTER. The session will provide a comprehensive insight into COUNTER and the COUNTER Code of Practice including:
- What is COUNTER?
- Why COUNTER is important to library customers
- Why COUNTER is important to publishers
- How to become COUNTER compliant and the COUNTER Code of Practice
- COUNTER reports for books, journals and databases
Learning outcomes:
- A better understanding of COUNTER
- How to become COUNTER compliant
- Understanding reports
The session will last 45 minutes, including questions and answers (up to 60 minutes maximum if there is sufficient demand for an extended Q&A), and is recorded, so those unable to make the live webinar should register and a link to the recording will be sent as soon as it is available. UKSG webinars are open to members and non-members of UKSG alike.
SiQ’s participation in the Webinar continues our goal of providing support to and open communication with academic publishers and librarians in order to innovate and provide effective and valuable services to the community.
September 21st, 2015
Meet us at the Frankfurt Book Fair
Scholarly iQ will again be attending the Frankfurt Book Fair 14-16 October and look forward to meeting many colleagues and friends there. Please get in touch to find a good time to get together, whether it’s a brief catch up or a full, formal meeting.
Contact us now at 210-507-5770 or we look forward to seeing you there!
April 23rd, 2015
Scholarly iQ Sponsoring and Attending 37th SSP Annual Meeting
Scholarly iQ are delighted to confirm we will be sponsoring and attending the 37th SSP Annual Meeting in Arlington, VA at the Marriott Crystal Gateway from May 27-29 2015.
The theme this year is "The New Big Picture: Connecting Diverse Perspectives” and we’d be delighted to take the time to meet with you to discuss your challenges and opportunities in connecting your data together to enrich your analytical perspective.
Our attendance at SSP in Arlington, VA continues our goal of open communication with academic publishers and librarians in order to innovate and provide effective and valuable services to the community.
Contact us now at 210-507-5770 and arrange to meet us at the event - we look forward to seeing you there!
April 16th, 2015
SiQ Launch Accessible Archives COUNTER Reporting with Immediate Librarian Appreciation
San Antonio, TX (April 16, 2015) – Scholarly iQ is delighted to have completed and today launched the new COUNTER reporting services for Accessible Archives Inc, a publisher of electronic full-text searchable historical databases with immediate positive feedback and appreciation from librarian end users.
Full Article
January 20th, 2015
Accessible Archives Retains Scholarly iQ to Upgrade COUNTER Usage Reporting Capabilities
Malvern, PA (January 20, 2015) -- Accessible Archives, Inc., a publisher of electronic full-text searchable historical databases, has announced that usage statistics for its collections will become available April 1, 2015 using the new COUNTER Release 4 (R4) standards. Scholarly iQ, a provider of eBusiness solutions to the academic publishing market, is the new vendor providing the reporting and data management services. This upgraded capability provides an extra benefit for Accessible Archives’ customers, utilizing the latest version of the agreed international set of standards and protocols governing the recording and exchange of such online usage data to ensure independent reporting of publishers’ usage statistics. This agreement was coordinated through Unlimited Priorities LLC, a firm specializing in support for small and medium-size companies in the information and publishing industries.
Full Article
October 28th, 2014
ThinkLoud and Scholarly iQ Issue COUNTER Release 4 Compliant Usage Reports for ACM Computing Reviews Customers
New York, October 28, 2014—ThinkLoud and Scholarly iQ today announced that usage statistics for ACM Computing Reviews are now available using the new COUNTER Release 4 (R4) standards. These standards are the latest version of the agreed international set of standards and protocols governing the recording and exchange of such online usage data, which are used to ensure independent reporting of publishers’ usage statistics to libraries. Scholarly iQ provides reporting and data management services for ThinkLoud.
Full Article
August 11th, 2014
Wolters Kluwer Law & Business and Scholarly iQ Issue COUNTER Release 4 Compliant Usage Reports for Wolters Kluwer Law & Business’s Customers
Alphen aan den Rijn, August 2014— Wolters Kluwer Law & Business and Scholarly iQ today announced that Wolters Kluwer Law & Business’s usage statistics for its portfolio of Kluwer Law products including Kluwer Arbitration, Kluwer IP Law, Kluwer Competition Law and Kluwer Law Online are now available using the new COUNTER Release 4 (R4) standards. These standards are the latest version of the agreed international set of standards and protocols governing the recording and exchange of such online usage data, which are used to ensure independent reporting of publishers’ usage statistics to libraries. Scholarly iQ provides reporting and data management services for Wolters Kluwer Law & Business.
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May 7th, 2014
Scholarly iQ Sponsoring, Attending and Presenting at 36th SSP Annual Meeting
Scholarly iQ are delighted to confirm we will be sponsoring, attending and presenting at the 36th SSP Annual Meeting in Boston, MA at the Westin Boston Waterfront from May 28-30 2014.
The theme this year is "Looking Outward at the Future of Scholarly Publishing" and Scholarly iQ will be supporting the event by moderating and presenting on the panel "The 21st Century Data-Driven Digital Publisher" on the morning of May 30.
Joining our panel will be Sami Hero, VP Global Customer Experience & Engagement at Wolters Kluwer Health and Ben Spiegel, Sr. Partner, Managing Director - Strategy at GroupM. It promises to be a fascinating session so please do join us if you are attending.
Our attendance at SSP in Arlington, VA continues our goal of open communication with academic publishers and librarians in order to innovate and provide effective and valuable services to the community.
Contact us now at 210-507-5770 and arrange to meet us at the event - we look forward to seeing you there!
March 18th, 2014
Scholarly iQ Sponsoring and Attending 37th UKSG Annual Conference
Scholarly iQ are delighted to confirm we will be sponsoring and attending the 37th UKSG Annual Conference in Harrogate, UK at the Harrogate International Centre.from 14-16 April 2014.
Scholarly iQ are sponsoring the event’s USB memory sticks so watch out for them in your delegate packs.
Our attendance at UKSG in Harrogate, UK continues our goal of open communication with academic publishers and librarians in order to innovate and provide effective and valuable services to the community.
Contact us now at +44 7580 723230 and arrange to meet us at the event - we look forward to seeing you there!
May 29th, 2013
The Optical Society and Scholarly iQ Issue
COUNTER Release 4 Compliant Usage Reports for OSA’s Journals
WASHINGTON, May 29, 2013—The Optical Society (OSA) and Scholarly iQ today announced that OSA’s usage statistics for its portfolio of peer-reviewed journals have been upgraded and are now available using the new COUNTER Release 4 (R4) standards. These new standards, like the ones already in place, have been accepted by the scientific publishing industry worldwide and govern the recording and exchange of online usage data. The new COUNTER 4 reports are the latest set of usage reports that can be used by librarians to ensure the independent and accurate reporting of publishers’ usage statistics.
Full Article
February 26th, 2013
Scholarly iQ Welcomes Academic Charts Online
Scholarly iQ is pleased to announce Academic Charts Online, the new database of popular music chart data, as the latest client to sign up for COUNTER and SUSHI reporting, and online business analytics from Scholarly iQ.
Scholarly iQ, the leader in trusted, independent reporting, analytics and data management services for the academic publishing industry is delighted to be working with Academic Charts Online. This is the new database of International Popular Music charts, powerful analytics, sound samples and innovative functionality launched worldwide in 2012 and gaining traction at major customers including Stanford, Columbia, Princeton and many more.
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February 19th, 2013
Scholarly iQ to Support Elsevier in Reporting and Analytics for Product Development Strategy
Scholarly iQ was chosen by Elsevier to provide trusted, independent consultancy services to support development and delivery of Elsevier’s customer behavioural analytics requirements.
Scholarly iQ, the leader in trusted, independent reporting, analytics and data management services for the academic publishing industry, today announced that Elsevier, the world’s leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and services, has engaged Scholarly iQ to provide continued support and consultancy services for the development and delivery of Elsevier’s customer behavioural analytics requirements.
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June 26th, 2012
Scholarly iQ’s Presentation at SSP’s 2012 Annual Conference: “What’s the Use of Social Media?” – Recording Now Available
Scholarly iQ’s Director of Business Development, Stuart Maxwell, presented and moderated a panel discussion on “What’s the Use of Social Media?” to a packed audience at the recent Society for Scholarly Publishing 2012 Annual Meeting in Arlington, Virginia. A recording of this presentation is now available to view and listen to at
Stuart’s presentation is focused on understanding social media in the context of your business as a publisher and explores four practical use cases encompassing brand awareness, customer communication, SEO, and traffic to site.
Scholarly iQ hopes this presentation will provide a better perspective on social media and its potential value to your business. In addition, the link to the animation on an anthropological view of social media can be found on YouTube.
For further information on this presentation, how to understand social media in terms of your business, or any other related enquiries please contact us at 210-507-5770 or We look forward to hearing from you soon!
May 8, 2012
Scholarly iQ Attending and Presenting at 34th SSP Annual Meeting
Scholarly iQ are delighted to confirm we will be attending and presenting at the 34th SSP Annual Meeting in Arlington, VA at the Marriott Crystal Gateway from May 30 – June 1 2012.
The theme this year is "Social, Mobile, Agile, Global: Are You Ready?" and Scholarly iQ will be supporting the event by moderating and presenting on the panel "Whats the Use of Social Media?" on the morning of May 31.
Join us at SSP for this fascinating debate and get involved early by tweeting your thoughts, questions, and comments to #SSPsocialmetrics.
Our attendance at SSP in Arlington, VA continues our goal of open communication with academic publishers and librarians in order to innovate and provide effective and valuable services to the community.
Contact us now at 210-507-5770 and arrange to meet us at the event - we look forward to seeing you there!
January 30, 2012
Scholarly iQ Updates ALA Midwinter Conference on Developments in PIRUS2 Standards
For the complete presentation, please click Here
December 20, 2011
Challenges and Solutions in Implementing SUSHI
Information Standards Quarterly, Fall 2011 reports featured case study on Scholarly iQ's approach to set up SUSHI protocols and share the benefits of this experience with the publishing community.
For the complete case study text, please click Here
September 30, 2011
Scholarly iQ Launches Automated SUSHI Sign-up Process
In an effort to assist librarians with the sign-up and implementation of the latest SUSHI protocol, Scholarly iQ has developed and launched a new automated process that allows librarians to easily sign-up and begin harvesting usage statistics in a matter of only a few minutes.
"Over the past year we have seen a significant increase in requests from librarians wanting to to harvest usage statistics using our SUSHI web services. To address this rise in demand we created a simple method for a librarian to register for these services along with clear documentation to help them get started." - Gary Van Overborg, CEO and founder.
Full Article
March 11, 2010
NISO Welcomes Scholarly iQ as a new Voting Member
"NISO announces Scholarly iQ as the newest NISO voting member. Headquartered in Texas, Scholarly iQ provides web analytics and usage reporting for publishers and librarians. They have been supplying COUNTER-compliant reports since 2002 and are Release 3 compliant. Their CEO and founder, Gary Van Overborg, was recently elected to serve on COUNTER's International Advisory board. Scholarly iQ has also fully implemented support for the SUSHI protocol (ANSI/NISO Z39.93) that automates retrieval of COUNTER data for libraries, and they are active participants in the SUSHI developers group. For publishers, their services go well beyond the COUNTER data. Using state-of-the-art data integration, web analytics, and data visualization tools, Scholarly iQ is able to provide publishers with a full picture of their products' usage, incorporating both online and offline data. Gary Van Overborg, is the primary representative to NISO. John Milligan, Director of Application Development, is the secondary representative."
For the complete press release text, please click Here
December 7, 2009
MAG Partnership
"As part of its commitment to improving services for its institutional customers, Mark Allen Group has launched a new usage statistics portal, in partnership with Texas-based firm Scholarly iQ.
The portal, at, provides institutional customers with monthly reports on their usage of Mark Allen Group's electronic resources in both Education and Healthcare. Reports are regularly audited and conform to the latest COUNTER standard, Release 3.
In addition to the standard COUNTER reports, the site also offers customers several other useful reports, including titles of the articles downloaded, the IP addresses from which users access the resources, and resource subscription status."
For the complete press release text, please click Here
June 15, 2009
ACM Partnership
"ACM (the Association for Computing Machinery) announced today that it is providing its corporate and academic library customers with an enhanced Web analytics platform to measure the usage of the ACM Digital Library (DL) full-text and bibliographic database. The new platform, provided by Scholarly iQ, enables librarians to access past and current usage statistics and receive timely, accurate COUNTER usage reports that comply with the industry standard for measuring online usage of scholarly journals. The platform, to be introduced in July, also includes an automated request and response model known as SUSHI, which utilizes a Web services framework to increase the flexibility of library access to ACM’s electronic resource usage data.
"This next generation platform is a major advance for ACM Digital Library users who rely on its vast information resources to support their research and educational programs,” said Scott Delman, ACM Group Publisher. “Librarians will be able to log in to a leading-edge self-service platform through an intuitive Web portal, create custom reports that comply with COUNTER Release 3 standards, and automate the downloading and delivery of this information to stakeholders within the library system."
Scholarly iQ CEO and founder Gary Van Overborg said, “We are pleased to play a role in ACM’s ongoing investment in the content, features, performance, and worldwide reach of its DL with Web analytics technology that improves the quality of online usage reporting for publishers and librarians”.
Full Press Release
June 14, 2009
Scholarly iQ Attending SLA
Scholarly iQ will have representatives available at the 2009 Special Libraries Association Annual Conference in Washington, DC at the Washington Walter E. Washington Convention Center from June 14- 17 2009.
Our attendance at SLA in Washington DC continues our goal of open communication with librarians in order to provide effective and valuable services to the community. In addition, Scholarly iQ will be presenting the new NextGen platform which allows for an affordable modular and tailored COUNTER reporting engine for publishers.
Call the Scholarly iQ global headquarters for more information at 210-507-5770
June 02, 2009
SUSHI Web Service
Scholarly iQ is pleased to announce the release of our SUSHI web service for COUNTER Release 3. This new service will provide librarians using electronic resource management (ERM) systems (or other systems) an automated means of retrieving COUNTER usage data from the various content providers supported by Scholarly iQ's NextGen platform.
To ensure the highest degree of compatibility, Scholarly iQ has validated their service with the leading consolidators already supporting SUSHI 1.6 (Z39.93) and are currently working with others who are planning to adopt the latest SUSHI protocol. For consulting on how to use SUSHI, recommendations on ERM systems that will integrate this usage data into a librarian’s overall management of e-resources, or general questions in regards to our new service, please send an email to
March 16, 2009
Achieving the Goals
Scholarly iQ has reached another significant milestone in regards to their eBusiness services for publishers and librarians. Development of their NextGen platform has been completed and is now being offered. The latest platform takes publisher stats to a new level that has never before been available. Now publishers can leverage the latest technologies to gain robust next day web analytics that encompass all avenues of their business. From interactive action ready reports that relate to key business objectives to multi-dimensional data analysis capabilities based on offline data to COUNTER Release 3 Compliant reporting - the NextGen platform delivers.
But aside from the expansive feature list and nearly overwhelming capabilities, this latest platform allows for a reduction in costs because it is modular based. This means publishers can pick and choose which components fits their business needs for a tailored solution that also aligns with their budget. "We realize that every publisher has a unique set of needs and different budgets to work with. So when we developed our latest platform we made sure to keep this in mind. So no matter the publisher's size or budget, we can now provide a superior solution that can grow with the publisher at the most competitive rate possible." - Gary Van Overborg, CEO and founder.
To request a demo, please fill out and submit our simple Contact Form
February 23, 2009
Scholarly iQ Expands
"Due to tremendous growth and in order to better serve their client base, Scholarly iQ has opened new offices in two major cities - New York and London.
When asked why they chose these particular cities for their new offices, CEO and Founder Gary Van Overborg replied, "We decided upon these cities mainly based on the locations of our existing clients so we can better serve them as well as increase our presence in these key markets. Sam Hailstone is managing our London office in the UK and for many years now has been providing publishing services centered on COUNTER usage statistics. Our New York office is spearheaded by a group of individuals who have decades of combined experience working in the publishing and web analytics industries."